Seagulls Stacked High - A Massive Flock of Seagulls in a Field and in Open Sky!

11 years ago

A massive flock of seagulls stacked high in a field and in open sky! That is the best way I could figure out how to say the craziness I saw last Sunday as I was driving to my brother's house to watch the Seattle Seahawks win their game. Go Hawks!

It was entertaining to say the least and it shouldn't be confused with the muscial band A Flock of Seagulls. Who names their band that anyway? Do they crap on people's stuff?

After doing some research, apparently calling a group of seagulls a flock is incorrect. They can be referred as a herd, pod, or rookery. Either way, there were a lot of birds in and above that field and it was certainly worth taking some video of it!

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