2014 Abbotsford International Airshow - Twilight Show - Team Rocket Aerobatics

10 years ago

This video show one of the best Twilight Show's performances at the 2014 Abbotsford International Airshow. The performance by Team Rocket Aerobatics pilots Ken Fowler & Eric Hansen.

While I still think my Canadian Snowbirds video was the best that I have posted so far, this one was still a ton of fun to record and edit since it is so unique.

Team Rocket is a two-ship formation aerobatic performance featuring Eric Hansen in the F1 Rocket, and Ken Fowler in the Harmon Rocket II.

Eric pilots the F1 Rocket, which is a sleeker, modified version of the Harmon Rocket II. The F1 Rocket is a high-performance, kit-built airplane capable of climbing at 3,500 fpm.

Ken pilots a Harmon Rocket II, a highly modified RV-4. Power is from a Lycoming IO-540 engine, custom built by Progressive Air of Kamloops, British Columbia and produces 300 H.P. at 2800 RPM. The aircraft’s empty weight is only 1146 lbs, which gives it excellent high-speed aerobatic performance and awesome vertical performance. Although not an unlimited aerobatic aircraft such as the Extra 300 or Pitts, this Harmon Rocket will outperform all such aircraft going vertical.

Ken grew up in British Columbia and started his aviation career by first earning his glider license in 1977. In 1978, he joined the Canadian Forces as an airframe technician and worked on T-33′s, CF-101 Voodoos and CF-18′s before becoming a flight engineer in 1988.

Ken has built five aircraft and is now building one to his own design. To date, he has over 5,000 hours of flying experience as a commercial pilot and flight engineer. Ken retired from the military on May 15, 1998 with 20 years of service, and is now the Airport Manager at Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. During his last five years with the military, he toured the air show circuit with the Skyhawk Parachute Team as one of the crew members of the Buffalo aircraft. Ken has flown air shows from coast to coast and can be seen throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Eric resides in Cold Lake, Alberta where he is a full-time dentist as well as a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) and aerobatic flight instructor. He holds a commercial multi-engine IFR rating as well as seaplane qualifications. Eric comes from a flying family having been introduced to aviation at an early age by his father, a commercial helicopter pilot. Eric recalls flying at the controls long before he was tall enough to reach the rudder pedals, and with a little help from his father.

A pilot for over 28 years, Eric has over 5,500 hours in a variety of aircraft, over 50 different types at last count. Eric built the F1 Rocket he currently flies over a 13-month period in 2002, and a Ravin 500 aircraft in 2010. With Team Rocket, Eric has travelled over much of North America to air shows as far away as Alaska and Acapulco.

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