FPV Flying with the Zebro 52 Flying Wing and Multiplex Cularis Glider or Sailplane ground view

11 years ago

This video is footage of FPV Flying with the Zebro 52 Flying Wing and Impressive Multiplex Cularis Glider viewed from ground. It is a nice and relaxing look at RC flight in a less than ordinary application.

I had never really given much thought to an RC glider until I recorded this recently. This experience in what opened the door to me buying my UMX Radian Ultra Micro Glider or sailplane. I thought, it could be fun and I was right!

Of course, ideally I would have picked up a Parkzone Radian over the Ultra Micro Radian, but I don't have enough space in my place anymore to do that. That would be a great platform for FPV Flying or First-Person View Flying.

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