Dudes Clips | "The Greatest Moment in Gaming History 2023" - Hideo Kojima warned us about AI

1 year ago

Legendary Video Game Designer Hideo Kojima of Kojima Studios and Kojima Productions warned us in his 2001 Masterpiece "Metal Gear Solid 2: Son's of Liberty".

Make no mistake, this Tech will be weaponised.

Technology with unintended consequences?
- Dynamite (Alfred Noble) Invented a mining tool, Noble peace prize, & the military weaponised it.
- Cotton Gen (Invented to by Eli Whitney) continued the African Slave Trade in America.
- DDT ( Invented by Paul Muller) A pesticide with good intentions, that killed animals, plants ect
- Cigarettes
- Plastic
- Now ..AI (Invented in 1966, meant to make humans better), but now made to replace humans. Nobody ever won a noble peace prize for creating destruction. Oppenheimer Movie is more relevant that ever. James Cameron & Hide Kojima warned of AI. We still live in Nuclear Age, but todays western social issues are trying to circumvent nature bc of having access to excess. We are all being played by division, policing each other, that we must articulate where our world is heading and who is invested in keeping us busy fighting.

What do our “philanthropic” overlords who developed this tech have planned for us. 😬🤖☠️🙅🏾‍♂️

Surely this tech will be implemented in military applications, but at what cost?

Today we examine the effects,

Let’s keep healing our planet, 1 video at a time 😎❤️👌🏾🌟


You can now be DEBANKED for political views. This is Free Speech vs "Me Speech". Democracy vs Socialism.

What is Misinformation & Disinformation? Information you do not like? What is Hate Speech? Speech you do not like? Who is the arbiter of truth now? Are you responsible for Interpretation of others? Is language being abused by you or your government in terms of truth, narrative and context?

Isn't the point of a comment section is for accountability? discourse to self-improve? dialog exchange helps humanity. Silence causes neurosis and institutionalise's mental health isolation from lack of expression. Silence also makes art disingenuously homogenous and mediocre. It also pushes idea's underground and makes it edgy that an uprising is inevitable. Also, How does one become a better human if you cannot make mistakes?

Feel free to critique us in the comments. Love you all.

For "Common+Unity" (community) for "Human+Kind" (Humankind). - from KELZ & BENDA of @DudesBrewing

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