Interview 498 with Dana Metcalfe aka Raven

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Dana Metcalfe aka Raven:
I was born and raised in a small town call St Philips In Newfoundland.
I am a stylist and photographer by trade but have spent most of the last 30 years pioneering humanitarian projects across Canada. My last award for my efforts was from the CFL and Kubotta Canada as the first nationally recognized community hero.
Three years ago it was clear that something wasn’t right. Government misinformation, propaganda and segregation tactics we obvious. Over the first couple of months it became the downward spiral of Canada the country we loved that is unrecognizable to us today. We are now seeing the lifting of the veil exposing the Canada cooperation ran by globalist and bankers.
Here’s a few of the of the initiatives I have been part of or an organizer for. I was the convoy leader from the east coast for Convoy 2022. I have launching extortion investigations in 9 cities across Canada with a small team in each province. I have marched across Atlantic Canada with Canada Marches and opened up an investigation for criminal negligence. I am currently launching operation indigo across Canada to stand up against the sexualization of children and unifying the freedom movement. Currently I am continuing my efforts to inform the public with our social media platforms Raven News.
Despite the toxic media and paid opposition through the Anti-hate networks I refuse to give up on Humanity. All of my fights before this for the greater good was for someone else’s family. This battle is very personal as now I fight for my own children. Educating and inspiring families to join across Canada to stand up against our tyrannical government. They have crossed the line too many times and now they want our children.
This is the battle we now face and we have to do this together.
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