Alan Watt - Redux #115 "The Hollywood Tales" and "No Alchemical Schism with Cap-Com-Ism" - 6-25-23

1 year ago

Hollywood - Culture Creation - Sexually Explicit Lyrics, Imagery Aimed at Youth - Sexualization of Youth, Particularly Young Girls - Grace and Personal Responsibility - Matrix Reality - Peasant Serfs of Middle Ages, Acceptance of Way of Living, "Mind Your Place" - KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov, Ideological Subversion, Demoralization, Destabilization - Attack on Society and Groups, Communist Technique - Marxist Professors and Radicalization of Students - Canada's CBC, Propaganda - "The Soviet Story" documentary, Soviet Union, Stalin Mentor to Hitler, Soviet-Nazi Collaboration - Tens of Millions Die in Ukrainian Forced-Famine (Starvation by State Orders) and Gulags - Foundations Funding "Left Wing" Groups, Blending of Capitalism and Communism. UNESCO, Creation of Common Culture, Pre-Pubertal "Sex Education" - Plato, Women Held "In Common", Promiscuity - Youth Mimic Sex in Movies and Music, Societal Fallout - Censorship Committees Push the Agenda Further. Teachers used for Social Engineering, "Change Agents" - Brzezinski: Television for Mass Conditioning - Use of Dialectic Conflict for Change.

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