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1 year ago

The Cigar Guys Podcast short clips, tips and tricks, cigar 101, cigar reviews, recommendations, whiskey pairings, podcast clips, cigar FAQ, cigar smokers, guest appearances, and more.

Professional Cigar Smokers. Podcast and Media.

We discuss everything cigar related: Types of cigars, lighters, cutters, brands, lounges, wholesale, retail.

We strive to provide content that is both educational and entertaining. Consider subscribing and turning on notifications to stay up to date with our podcast episodes and other related content.

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Alex: https://www.instagram.com/gonzotonight
Jared: https://instagram.com/burrowscigars
Mark: https://www.instagram.com/marknikollaj
Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachnikollaj
Featuring guest appearances of people that are involved in the cigar industry. The Cigar Guys Podcast short clips, tips and tricks, cigar 101, cigar reviews, recommendations, whiskey pairings, podcast clips, cigar FAQ, cigar smokers, guest appearances, and more.

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