Ep 90: Video Chronology: Illowa Irregulars Bay 9 Rebuild

1 year ago

Hello from Camden Mills, and more specifically from our newly rebuilt Bay 9 – which we’ve named Will Dunn’s Blacksmith Shop. This video is a photo diary of the work to tear down and rebuild our Stage 9. The first photo was taken on April 18 with the last on June 23. If you look closely, you can see how the weather changed between mid-April and late June. Thanks to everyone who helped, many of whom were captured in a photo or two, but there were a few others who escaped the camera. Particular thanks to Count Sandor for spearheading and leading the project and doing a lot of work behind the scenes. Come out and help us break in our newest stage at the upcoming Illinois State Championship scheduled from Aug 18 – 20, 2023. Check our website for registration information: www.illowairregulars.com. And, as always, hopefully our paths will cross one day, wherever that may be, perhaps at the Illinois State Championship.

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