Hope Not Hate exposed - A Tommy Robinson documentary

1 year ago

With hidden footage of testimony and a mole within Hope not Hate organization, Robinson now reveals how this charity manipulates sources and uses threats and defamation against political opponents and their families. In several cases, in an indirect collaboration with terrorist groups, Hope has not Hate directed violent elements against the families of political opponents and their private addresses. Thus, Hope is not Hate a threat to freedom of expression and to democracy. No mainstream media has featured Tommy Robinson's revealing documentary about Hope not Hate. Do we have similar conditions in Denmark?

Hope not Hate is an English interest organization which, according to them, creates campaigns and undercover journalism against ” racism and right-wing radicalism ”. Several Danish media, such as. Christian Dagblad, Politiken, Berlingske and Ekstra Bladet, has used Hope not Hate as the source of ” right-wing movements ” in England and the United States. Some of Hope not Hate's work has also uncovered real right-wing radicals, such as. when Swedish journalist Patrik Hermansson from the left-wing media Expo in 2017 partnered with Hope not Hate to act as a mole to reveal hidden footage from real right-wing radicals in America. In England, the Hope not Hate organization is supported by all political parties and is used uncritically as a source of all mainstream media. International media such as CNN, the Guardian,The BBC and Sunday Times have all used Hope not Hate as a source and still make it away. The problem with Hope not Hate is that they use dishonest and untrustworthy methods, such as manipulation of sources by money and drugs, threats and various extortion methods to get sources to speak as Hope not Hate wants it. Another problem is that Hope does not Hate use backward campaigns and makes untrue accusations of ” racism ” and ” right-wing radicalism ” against anyone, which in England expresses itself critically about Islam and social problems associated with mass immigration. Thus, Hope does not Hate work effectively to restrict freedom of expression, especially on serious social problems associated with Muslim mass immigration. The problem with Hope not Hate is that they use dishonest and untrustworthy methods, such as manipulation of sources by money and drugs, threats and various extortion methods to get sources to speak as Hope not Hate wants it. Another problem is that Hope does not Hate use backward campaigns and makes untrue accusations of ” racism ” and ” right-wing radicalism ” against anyone, which in England expresses itself critically about Islam and social problems associated with mass immigration. Thus, Hope does not Hate work effectively to restrict freedom of expression, especially on serious social problems associated with Muslim mass immigration. The problem with Hope not Hate is that they use dishonest and untrustworthy methods, such as manipulation of sources by money and drugs, threats and various extortion methods to get sources to speak as Hope not Hate wants it. Another problem is that Hope does not Hate use backward campaigns and makes untrue accusations of ” racism ” and ” right-wing radicalism ” against anyone, which in England expresses itself critically about Islam and social problems associated with mass immigration. Thus, Hope does not Hate work effectively to restrict freedom of expression, especially on serious social problems associated with Muslim mass immigration.Another problem is that Hope does not Hate use backward campaigns and makes untrue accusations of ” racism ” and ” right-wing radicalism ” against anyone, which in England expresses itself critically about Islam and social problems associated with mass immigration. Thus, Hope does not Hate work effectively to restrict freedom of expression, especially on serious social problems associated with Muslim mass immigration.Another problem is that Hope does not Hate use backward campaigns and makes untrue accusations of ” racism ” and ” right-wing radicalism ” against anyone, which in England expresses itself critically about Islam and social problems associated with mass immigration. Thus, Hope does not Hate work effectively to restrict freedom of expression, especially on serious social problems associated with Muslim mass immigration.

For example, a report from the Swedish Defense Institute in 2018 showed that Hope not Hate cooperates with violent left-wing extreme movements such as. Antifa on the provision of information and addresses of nationalist debaters whose families and workplaces are then subjected to violence and threats by Antifa's left fascists - https://www.foi.se/rapportsammanfattning?reportNo=FOI-R--4592--SE

Hope not Hate also collaborates with tech giants such as. Facebook and Twitter on disabling, censoring and shutting down national conservative and Islamist-critical debaters on social media.

In 2016, the magazine The Economist Hope did not investigate Hate's material on alleged online hate speech following the assassination of English politician Jo Cox and revealed, that Hope not Hate had actually exaggerated the amount of alleged right-wing hate speech online - by 3000%

Hope not Hate's undemocratic methods are quite clear from a revealing documentary about Hope not Hate, which Tommy Robinson has just published on various alternative social media

Here's a summary of Tommy Robinson's reveal of Hope not Hate's dirty methods of shutting down political opponents' freedom of speech:

After a young man named Tom Dupree on social media had spoken fully legal and democratic, but critical views on Islam and mass immigration into England, Hope not Hate approached his employer with pressure to get him fired. The young man was then dismissed from his work in an English bank without notice. The method used by Hope not Hate was to accuse the young man of being ” Nazi ” to damage the bank's reputation. In the documentary, the young man states as a first-hand source of what Hope has not exposed him to.

Tommy Robinson's former employee Caolan Robertson makes allegations in the video, about Hope not Hate's alleged use of dirty extortion methods and sexual assaults to make him testify and blatant testimony against Tommy Robinson.

Former member of the Ulster Defense Association paramilitary, Johnny Adair, claims that Hope not Hate should have paid about £ 20,000 to Jayda Fransen from the Islamic-critical party Britain First, to get her to speak out for a BBC Panorama documentary with burdensome allegations about party chairman Paul Golding.

Andrew Edge, former security guard for Britain First's Paul Golding, also states on a hidden phone call that Hope not Hate has paid him money to make a critical statement about Golding.

A homeless veteran and drug addict; Tom Foley, had been picked up by the same Paul Golding in Ulster, who gave him shelter and help, and on the video, Foley claims, that Hope did not Hate give him money and narcotics as payment to make him make a statement with burdensome statements about Golding, who later reported Hope not Hates Nick Lowles and Matthew Collins to police with charges of affecting witnesses with money and drugs. Interestingly, Paul Golding and his partner Ashlea Simon received a few days after a visit from the police, who informed them that they had received credible information about death threats against them from extreme groups, there would bezin bomb Paul Golding's house and family.At the same time, Hope did not send Hate employees out in Golding's neighborhood for household redistributions with claims that Golding should have received large sums of money in tax havens in Russia. According to Tommy Robinson, this does not show Hate's intimidation methods against political opponents. Hidden footage with statements by Andrew Edge also points out that Hope has not Hate tried to intimidate Golding's family by threatening his partner Ashlea Simon with the social service that the social service would forcibly removing the family boy because the child was allegedly becoming ” radicalized ”.Hidden footage with statements by Andrew Edge also points out that Hope has not Hate tried to intimidate Golding's family by threatening his partner Ashlea Simon with the social service that the social service would forcibly removing the family boy because the child was allegedly becoming ” radicalized ”.Hidden footage with statements by Andrew Edge also points out that Hope has not Hate tried to intimidate Golding's family by threatening his partner Ashlea Simon with the social service that the social service would forcibly removing the family boy because the child was allegedly becoming ” radicalized ”.

It is reminiscent of the same dirty methods used by the Danish social service against the Islamist Christian debater in Denmark; Jaleh Tavakoli.

When a Jewish woman and pro-Israel activist in 2018 participated in demonstrations against a grand mosque in London, Hope did not accuse the Hate woman named Sharon Klaff of participating in a violent assault against a socialist bookstore in London. The problem was that Hope not Hate's claim was a lie and in August 2018, after a lawsuit, the organization had to pay damages to Sharon Klaff after the Jewish woman was assaulted because of it. Hope not Hate's claims. However, no mainstream media has written about this case, except the Jewish Chronicle newspaper - https://www.thejc.com/news/news/hope-not-hate-apologises-for-wrongly-accusing-pro-israel-activist-over-bookshop-attack-1.486571

If you search for Sharon Klaff case on google you will thus get no results.

Hope not Hate has also deliberately tried to conduct violent assaults on Tommy Robinson's family by on the internet to publish the address of his 76-year-old parents, whose home was assaulted with stones through the windows. Hope not Hate also published a photo on their website of a house which they mistakenly claimed belonged to Tommy Robinson with the result, that Muslim gangs appeared and threatened a socially vulnerable single mother and her 12-year-old daughter who happened to be in this house. In interview with Robinson, the frightened woman confirms the course of events and on hidden recordings you see her subsequently visit the wife of Hope not Hates director Nick Lowles to urge her husband to no longer to expose her 12-year-old daughter and herself to our further danger.

Hope not Hate has also, in order to hit Tommy Robinson's family and put him under pressure, sent people out to his ex-wife and his children's private address. On video, Robinson is interrogating a man who mysteriously appeared at. 23 in the evening, and lit with flashlight through his ex-wife's home allegedly to hand over a subpoena to court.

The documentary eventually sees Tommy Robinson confront the director of Hope not Hate; Nick Lowles, where Robinson asks him why he uses these dirty methods against political opponents? Next, he asks him if he thinks it was fair that Lowles put a photo online of the house where Robinson's children live? In the heat of the quarrel, Nick Lowles is obviously going to go ahead and makes an indirect confession that he has paid witnesses and manipulated sources. When Robinson accuses him: ” You are manipulating sources! You paid Andrew Edge and Tom Foley! ”, Nick Lowles answers in the affirmative; ” Better than selling drugs, right? ” . To emphasize the point, Robinson plays Nick Lowle's involuntary confession of Hope not Hates using dirty methods again: ” Better than selling drugs, right? ”

At the end of the documentary, Tommy Robinson interviews a mole who has worked for Hope not Hate for 10 years. The source admits Hope not Hate's dirty methods. According to Robinson's mole, Nick Lowles, in an upcoming book, makes untrue accusations against Robinson from various sources, all of whom have in common that they hate Tommy Robinson. Eg. Lowles has sought out a Muslim drug gang in Luton named Gambino gang, which he uses to make allegations that Robinson should have sold drugs. So Lowles uses Luton's most brutal drug gang as a source of accusations against Robinson for selling drugs. Finally, the source within Hope does not admit Hate,that Nick Lowles is working to drag Tommy Robinson's wife to court for the purpose of publishing her identity and thus indirectly directing more pressure from violent and criminal elements towards Tommy Robinson's family.

In summary, Tommy Robinson concludes that organizations like Hope not Hate use criminal, dishonest and dirty methods to destroy political opponents and hit their families and their work. At the same time, Hope does not Hate exercise great power in the UK because it cooperates closely with violent and terrorist elements and enjoys the support of English mainstream media, from powerful politicians and from the English legal system, all of whom uncritically attach great credibility to this organization.

Robinson concludes that organizations such as Hope not Hate thus pose a serious threat to freedom of expression, freedom of opinion and democracy.

Finally, Robinson predicts that Hope will not Hate again cooperate with the media and the English legal system to destroy him and stop his independent journalism and political activism.

Nick Lowles has apparently even been out in public with allegations to disqualify and harm the vulnerable women and victims of Muslim rape gangs in Telford, who has spoken out as sources and starred in Tommy Robinson's various documentaries about the rape gangs in Telford.

After watching Tommy Robinson's documentary about Hope not Hate and their criminal methods, we are tempted to raise the question of whether we also have similar organizations in Denmark, using the same dirty methods as Hope not Hate and enjoying broad and uncritical support in state-paid media and in parts of the political system?

The Henrik Gade Jensen case seemed to point to that. In 2003, the newspaper provided Information and its then editor, current star journalist and Helle Thorning Schmidt's favorite candidate for the Social Democracy at the 2019 election, David Trads, an untrue accusation against then spindoctor of church minister Tove Fergo ( V ) for having ” connection to Nazi circles ”. The claim was an infamous lie for which Information lost a lawsuit and had to pay damages, but the source of David Trad's history at that time was the left-wing extremist organization Modkraft.

P.S. No state-paid media in Denmark ever mentions Tommy Robinson's revealing documentary. Neither his documentary about the victims of Telford's Muslim rape gang nor his new reveal of Hope not Hate.

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