Japan Offers Military Aid to the Philippines #japan #philippines

1 year ago

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The Japanese government, shifting away from its pacifistic post-WWII stance, is preparing to extend military aid to the Philippines. This move, primarily aimed at securing sea approaches and safeguarding Taiwan's western flank, carries historical weight as it would mark the first time Japanese forces have returned to the region since WWII. At the core of this strategic decision lies Tokyo's concern about the Philippines as a weak link in the island chain from Japan to Indonesia, which is crucial for Pacific Ocean access. This change is underpinned by the rising fear of a potential Chinese attack on Taiwan that could trigger a wider conflict. Japan's move to offer military aid including radars to countries in the region aims to enhance their ability to monitor maritime activities. The assistance, particularly beneficial to the Philippines, would plug potential defensive gaps and establish an information-sharing network about critical areas such as the Bashi Channel. This channel, a key passageway between the western Pacific and the contested South China Sea, is of paramount strategic importance. While Washington's advice is considered in Japan's strategic planning due to its close military ties with the Philippines, it is not pressing Japan for this initiative. As Japanese officials shape the type of equipment that would be most beneficial for maritime monitoring and security, it is clear that the US, Japan, and the Philippines are aligning their regional security strategies.

Strengthening International Security Dialogue.
Regular high-level meetings between Japan, the US, and the Philippines are aiding discussions about regional security cooperation. During these dialogues, significant security challenges, including issues related to the South China Sea, East China Sea, North Korea, and the stability of the Taiwan Strait are on the table. These meetings suggest an intensifying focus on a complex and turbulent security environment. Japan's aid is currently constrained by a self-imposed ban on lethal equipment exports. However, PM Kishida has committed to reviewing this restriction while also overseeing a remarkable military build-up that plans to double defence spending within five years. This proposed revision in policy, along with the donation of military vehicles to Ukraine, signals that Japan is exploring ways to push the boundaries of its existing restrictions.

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