Full Time RV Life Still Downsizing the 5th Wheel after 3 years on the road!

1 year ago

Still #Downsizing the #5thWheel Storage after 3 years on the road, when we buy a new ladder and have to make room for it in our #storage basements. It’s amazing how much you can accumulate on the road living Full Time in your rig. It seems that each Spring is the time we go through everything and evaluate if we really still need it!

Welcome to Canadian RV Life - A Simplified, Downsized Life - Our Tiny House is an RV and we live in it full time in Canada.
Is RV Life right for you? You Decide and Thanks for joining us in our RV Life Canadian Style! Ross & Deb

Minimalism, is not the absence of things, it's the perfect amount of what's left.

************* ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ***************

by Deborah K Photography © www.dustyroadphotos.ca
I own the copyright and world wide distribution rights to this video.
Additional content was also provided by permission and is listed in the credits below.

*************** CREDITS ******************

Thank you to Musical Artist
Wes Hutchinson
For the Background Music
“Avocado Street”
via YouTube Audio Library

*************** SPECIAL THANKS ******************

We would like to thank RV West Magazine and Jillian Clark for featuring our Canadian RV Lifestyle in her article in the RV Snapshots segment "Ditch the Daily Grind" http://www.rvwest.com/article/rv_snapshots/ditch_the_daily_grind

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