Acceptance Ep3: BushWhisperer speaks

1 year ago

The purity of ones energy-field is of vital importance for health, wellness and, this becomes even more important for those working with spiritual forces, channeling energies or opening one's self to traverse the unknown space within that extends beyond the limits of this phenomenal universe.
The fact that we are never alone and that this reality is an act of co-operation, held in check by a chain of beings that extend beyond the limits of ones finite imaginings, the circumference of which is nowhere, center of which is everywhere, brings the importance of acceptance to the forefront of ones awareness.
Fundamental to all occult-workers, healers, shaman, seers or mediums, this is the key to maintaining the balanced disposition of mind that keeps one's etheric and astral space that embodies ones consciousness stream 'clean' and, thus free of 'psycho-spiritual' parasites that can cause harm. The importance of this cannot be stressed enough with the failure to maintain a state of 'inner-hygiene', an invitation to disaster on a scale unimaginable.
Let those that would work with spiritual forces of any sort take heed, for the dangers are real, if an attitude of frivolity prevail in this regard, for inner equilibrium is an absolute necessity, lest one be lost to the realms of delusion, as is often the case with those dabbling in such pursuits. Another great reason why maintaining a open line of communication with a teacher, or ones more advanced in such pursuits, can act as a saving grace and prevent unnecessary fumblings into the psycho-spiritual domains.
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