3 Ways to Face Death with Courage and Faith

1 year ago

To learn more about what happens when you die and what you can expect after death, get our free Book, "What Happens When You Die?" for free: https://bit.ly/3BmbbKC Why is this free? We are determined to follow Jesus’ command to "freely give" (Matthew 10:8).

Imagine the scene; family and friends gathered together. Beautiful flowers adorn the coffin, as well-wishers file in. Words of encouragement are given and tears flow. At the funeral of a loved one, there is often deep sorrow, especially when the deceased is someone cut off early in life—a child, or a young person, with so much promise of life and vibrancy, now gone. Or the loss of a devoted husband or wife. A companion for decades perhaps. And now, the survivor must carry on alone.

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