Lawyer Reiner Füllmich with an 'important message'

1 year ago

The Deep State‘s attacks on the resistance and its projects are becoming ever more desperate. Time for a closer look at the Deep State‘s and its puppets psychoterrorist illusions.

Over the past few years, German lawyer Reiner Füllmich spoke with some 450 experts and scientists who revealed what the globalists' goal is: thinning the world's population and complete control over the survivors, who are to be enslaved.

That is not going to happen, Füllmich argues. "We are preventing that now by everything we do and by the way we connect and exchange information."

Ten percent of what we see is real danger, but 90 percent is an illusion based on psychological warfare and mass brainwashing perfected by the British Tavistock Institute, says the lawyer, who speaks of "psychological terrorism".

He is going to bring out a video about, among other things, creating isolation, confusion, loss of identity and hysteria in a society, which thereby becomes susceptible to scare-mongering about, for example, pandemics, "global warming," the energy and food crisis and UFOs.

Füllmich cites the hysteria created in Germany after World War I, financed by the globalists, as a textbook example. The 1920s were marked by prostitution, drug abuse and child trafficking. "Sound familiar?"

It was the ideal breeding ground for someone like Hitler, who again was funded and supported by the globalists, Füllmich says.

The goal of all this psychological terrorism is: complete control over the people and enforcing obedience. For example: having yourself injected with an untested, highly dangerous drug that can be lethal. Or: participating in a war so the globalists can sell weapons paid for with our tax money.

Füllmich also takes a closer look at the globalists' puppets who have infiltrated the resistance, who claim to be on our side and who are trying to undermine the resistance. "I am referring, of course, to controlled opposition," he says.

"We will hold all those responsible accountable. Everyone: in politics, medicine, science, media, judiciary or even the resistance. We are going to get you. This is not a warning, this is a promise."

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