The Unknowable Will | A Journey Beyond Reason | Read inside

1 year ago

The Unknowable Will
A Journey Beyond Reason

24 JUN 2023


The question of ‘will’, your will, begs the question:

What do you want?

Is the ‘will’ something you know? Or is the ‘will’ something that knows you?

Obviously, the will encompasses your desires, the things you cling to for a reason, seeking satisfaction or a specific outcome. First, there is 'you', the one who desires, followed by these endless desires. But with or without your desires, aren't you still a product of will?

If so, what is the nature of this will? Is it oriented towards a result, or is your life's movement free of will, devoid of any deliberate movement toward a result?

Do you exist for a reason, or do you exist first, with reasons coming and going, changing as they please?

If the word 'will' represents the flow of things in its purest form, then the question 'what is your will?' ceases to exist.

And who can ask the question, 'What is the will?' I'm not suggesting it's impossible to ask, but who can truly inquire into the will, which precedes any reason or objectification?

Isn't it the will itself posing this question? When the will questions its own nature, it essentially asks, ‘What am I?’ Or, ‘Who am I?’ The only answer that can arise freely, not rooted in predetermined knowledge, reasoning, or justification, is 'I don't know'.

Is 'not knowing' the true will? Is 'not knowing' your true will? Are you the embodiment of a will that doesn't know?

Consider how often you struggle due to misconceptions about your will. You might feel as though if you don't contextualize your will within a framework of reasoning and align it with target results or objectives, you'll fail to function correctly. You fear you'll waste time, life, energy, and so forth.

But is this true? Or are those moments of uncertainty about what you want actually gateways to ultimate clarity? Because in not knowing, the unknown emerges.

Assuming you're reading this, you'll find it leads you nowhere. You remain where you are, not knowing. It reminds you that before the will to know where you are, where you should go, what you should do, etc., the will has already granted you the freedom not to know. This isn't even a paradox; it's the ultimate question that cannot be asked by reason. It can only unfold as it is, now.


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