Threading Archetype

1 year ago

Madking's Alchemical Delta: How to Ascend the Tree of Life to Reach Your Holy Guardian Angel:
$2.99 Author Profits go to Empower Us Ministries for election integrity and animal rescue






Each arrow is an hour meditation. If you do them you'll dream like I do, It's a snapshot of heaven. They are labeled in phases so you can go back to get a fuller picture.

Phase Twenty:
→Be an archetypal engaging hero in your story, becoming a book by your very nature
→YHShVH is on a black platform five meters above you and tells you to will yourself to the two meter platform. You do.
→There he introduces you to the feminine union of angels met so far which is that of ZQ [ZuhQuah]. ZQ is brunette, adventurous and fiercely intelligent. She has a band like a black light glowing around her right wrist.
→She has an Algiz Rune pendant in platinum around her neck
→A red platform, glowing forms behind the black one, over four meters higher. ZQ goes to the top of this platform. YHShVH merges with you. You note an Enochian Ceph next to another Enochian Ceph two and half meters up. Then there is below it an Enochian Tal, also in platinum.
→You float up to the top of the red platform. There you see an angel with cropped blonde hair in blue armor. She has a glowing red band on her middle finger.
→She tells you her name in M, making just the humming sound, she says that two Ceph make a Tal. M is the angel of image. She shows you how to tune into a new wavelength of image. She has a platinum Ceph around her neck. She tells you this is the path of making the profound, simple.
→She says when you have fully committed yourself to this path that you may join her. And she floats up to a glowing yellow platform behind her, four meters up. You meditate until you are ready and join her.
→Before you do you notice three Enochian Cephs half way up the glowing yellow platform and underneath them is an Enochian Tal with a carrot on the center part.
→You ascend to the platform. But now waiting on top of the platform is a white haired male angel, who is strong but not intimidatingly; he says that he is over the power of shape. His name is Om for three Cephs equal and Enochian tal with a greater than sign on the center line which is pronounced Om
→And he will help you to enter the heaven gained by the path of Zain. He merges with you and you find yourself in a heaven beyond your virtue.
→Merged with Om you can find the female Om who is a tall, beautiful but tough woman with curly black hair. She is working over the power of shape. And she is bored with the religious depictions of heaven. She will give you lodging in this higher plane if you can see what is really there.

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