How to Tell if Your Tore Your PEC Muscle (Pec Tear)

1 year ago

I have tore my pec major and had 3 surgeries, if you think you tore your pec see a doctor IMMEDIATELY! Seriously, the chances of a proper recovery go down as time goes on, so if you think you tore your pec muscle go to a doctor right away.
I thought I'd make this video for entertainment purposes, a show with my chest looked like when I tore my pec. There's a video halfway through where I show what it looks like so you can skip that part if you're curious!
I talk a little bit about how it felt, and just some of the test that I was given to see if the pact was in fact, torn. I wanna reiterate that if you think that your pack is torn, go see a doctor right away because pec tears are no joke.

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