Inverted 7D Violet Ray Reversal: Fallen Angelic Healing

1 year ago

This is an invocation geared specifically towards those running the Fallen Angelic consciousness in their bodies and fields, in order to correct inverted 7D Violet Ray frequencies.

The opening and closing are courtesy of Lisa Renee, but this invocation is entirely my own.

I would also recommend this Cruxifixion Implant Removal Meditation, also by Lisa Renee, to be used in tandem with this invocation. It will help remove and clear all Jehovian Seals present along the left axiatonal line:

Before beginnning this work, ensure that you:

1. Intend/fortify your 12D shield
2. Recite/intend the Unity Vow


I lovingly command the reversal and correction of all Inverted 7D Violet Ray frequencies, including the Demon Seed, Cloned Ascended Master, Azazael & AI Dark Mother gestalts, Shadow Selves, Red Nile Cube Matrix and AI Red Wave Signal, which are present within all of my identities and energy bodies in all times and all spaces.

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