Ageless Beauty. -Ep.216 -Run With Horses Podcast

1 year ago


Ageless Beauty

Discussion on aging. How th e world views it, how Christians can/should view it

Term – “sandwich generation”

Stereotypes – dementia, frail, bed-ridden, no fun

Loss of autonomy is probably the hardest part of old age to accept. Those ADL’s (Activities of Daily Life) you’ve performed for yourself most of your life must now be done by someone else.

Many benefits to being older – experience, wisdom, able to pass on to next generation
may know how to handle relationships better

Old person’s situation makes a big difference – sickness, family around? Mobility

Compare: tribal environment vs. modern environment
-- elderly are valued; their knowledge is needed; no other resources (youtube, books)
-- most experienced and good at basket weaving (e.g.). Current day knowledge hasn’t changed for centuries. Continues as it has been.
-- In US, old are in the way, not respected, not useful. The knowledge they had (i.e. slide rules) is obsolete now. Technology keeps changing.

Need a purpose for living, feel useful to others, feel needed
-- understand what God wants from you in this chapters
-- You DO have a role if you’re still breathing!

God provides a basis for seeing the future in a positive light!
You can be thankful every day for something.
You can be a blessing to someone every day if you try.

On what do you base your worth? What makes you valuable?
-- Do you feel valuable because of how you look? (what happens when you get wrinkly, bald, & saggy?)
-- Do you feel valuable because you are productive in society or to your family or church? (what happens when you are no longer able to feel productive?)
-- Is your worth based on your sense of pride?
-- Or is it based on the value God places on you, for being created in His image? He proved how valuable you are!! (sending Jesus to pay your way to belong to His family)

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