Refuting Mormon Exaltation: Can we become gods someday?

1 year ago

LDS President Lorenzo Snow said “As man now is, God once was; as God now is, man may become.” Historically, the LDS Church has taught that men – by performing sacred Mormon rituals – can become gods. But is this what the Bible teaches?

In this video, we examine whether the Bible supports the LDS doctrine of exaltation and eternal progression. The hope of Mormonism is that men can one day be exalted to become just like Heavenly Father. Many people point to the nature of Jesus as concrete evidence that men can become exalted. Yet, upon closer inspection, it's clear that Scripture actually teaches the exact opposite.

God, on numerous occasions and in a number of different spots in the Bible, clearly indicates that there is no God besides Him. There only ever has been, and only ever WILL be, One Creator God.

Isaiah 43:10 — “…Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me.”

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