Tobias Ellwood speaking in Salisbury 23rd June 2023: Part 2 - Q and A

1 year ago

The audience asked some very pertinent questions that were clearly not expected by Mr Ellwood. I have the impression that he and his colleagues are not as well informed as they think.

"The media and our public servants have CLEARLY NOT READ the amendments that were adopted by the World Health Assembly in 2022, nor have they read the documents that are currently being negotiated."

"The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) proposed Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) will hand the international health body unprecedented powers to declare pandemics, lockdowns and vaccination mandates, with the force of international law, leading experts have told MPs."

One example of many regarding campus cancel culture:
Waiting for Birthgap at Cambridge University: 12th May 2023 - Part 1

" The shameless transfer of consequences from Covid and Ukraine to Brexit, is of course routine, as are untruths (the UK does not have the slowest economic growth in the G7). Remainers are also impervious to their own culpability in the disarray in parliament through their attempts to subvert the result of a legally-conducted referendum. With the resignation of Boris Johnson, they now feel well on the way to over-turning the Referendum. As O’Toole says, “[Johnson’s] great project, Brexit is melting like yellow snow in the merciless heat of reality”. It is up to us Brexiteers to expose such shameless exaggeration and untruth and to persevere just as the Glorious Revolutionaries did in the face of Jacobite fightback."

Writing about Russia:

"His comments provide some balance to the “binary” thinking out there, i.e., of those shopping for white hats and black hats for “Team NATO” and “Team Putin.” Waggaman’s point of view seems to dovetail with Corbett’s more sweeping observations in The Ukraine Crisis: What You Need to Know, where open criticism of neither NATO nor Putin is off the table."

"People who had taken a bivalent booster had an infection rate that was 30% higher (28% after adjustments) than those who had declined. The authors chose to report that those who had not had the intervention had a risk 23% lower than those that did rather than saying that the intervention increased the risk by 30%."

"In both cases, it was ruled that the commercial interests of the sex education provider outweighed the public interest in widely releasing the materials.
Parents have lost power over what their children are taught, Page says.
“Schools and educational authorities want to shape society for the best in their view. I think they have taken too much power away from parents.”"

Paul Diamond LL.M Part 2: The Welsh RSE curriculum

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