Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church Worship Service - June 25, 2023

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Sermons by Pastor David Whitney, Senior Instructor of Institute on the Constitution and pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in Arnold, MD.

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SUNDAY June 25, 2023

Order of Worship

Theme: Of all the many events of which Peter was an eyewitness, the one he chose to speak of is the Transfiguration of Jesus because he was so personally overwhelmed with the Glory of Jesus Christ.

Welcome & Call to Worship
“Crown Him With Many Crowns” #45
“Fairest Lord Jesus” #87
Prayer & Children’s Story
“Why Do the Nations Rage?” page 5 in Hymns & Songs
“Lord I Lift Your Name on High” #107
Offering - “And Can It Be” #347
Responsive Reading - #135 Praise and Magnify the Lord 
Congregational Prayer
Hearing God’s Word
“Peter Overwhelmed by the Glory”- Pastor Whitney
Responding to God’s Word
“Just A Closer Walk” #564
Benediction and Postlude

“Peter Overwhelmed by the Glory”
12th In our series the Epistle of 2nd Peter

I. To Keep and Bear - Luke 22:36
* A. The right to keep and bear is linked to the duty to protect
* B. To provide includes to protect - 1 Timothy 5:8

II. Peter’s Eyewitness Account of the Majesty - 2 Peter 1:16-18
* A. Peter chose this event because it shows the divinity of Jesus
* B. Peter, James and John witnessed the Transfiguration
* 1. This event more than any other revealed that Jesus Christ was fully God at the same time He was fully man
* 2. Mark’s account was based on the preaching of Peter when he shared his eyewitness account - Mark 9:2-4
* a. The veil hiding Jesus’ divinity was pulled back for a moment in time - Philippians 2:5-8
* b. God is light, whiteness beyond anything possible to achieve by human effort
* C. The Two speaking with Jesus represent the Law & the Prophets
* 1. The three mountains meet:
* a. Mount Sinai - the giving of the Law
* b. Mount Carmel - the defeat of demonic powers
* c. Mount Calvary - the salvation for sinners
* 2. No doubt their words encouraged Jesus as He faced the suffering and death on the cross
* D. Peter’s blunder - Mark 9:5-8
* 1. The Father spoke of Jesus Christ
* a. bIf ever a Father could be proud - instead the Father is “well pleased”
* b. Pride is a deadly sin - Proverbs 16:5
* 2. The Lord Jesus Christ supersedes and fulfills all the Law and the Prophets

Amazing Grace by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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