Us & Them - Fake Space, Universal Waters, Earth’s Twin Binary System, Red Dragon, PlanetX - PART 2

1 year ago

VIDEO CREDIT Richard Montbleau "Watchman for Our Lord and Savior"
In Part 2 of Richard`s video series, “Us & Them”, he is sharing how Satan and his blue-blooded Nephilim Serpent Race, has weaved a network and system of control through throughout the entire world, for the sole purpose of hiding the Lord God from you and so that you never come to the knowledge of your free gift of salvation that you have in Jesus Christ, so that you die in your sin and your spiritual energy can be transmuted, to birth the demonic below ground serpent scorpion race that will be birth out of the bottomless pit in the end times.
He also shares how the Lord led him to the understanding of the mystery of the formation of the world and how our enclosed system can co-exist with asteroids coming from the Red Dragon, described in Revelation 12, what has been called in the mainstream as, Planet X, Nibiru, the brown dwarf, which is actually Earth's Binary Twin Systems.
He will also provide visual evidence to demonstrate how the “prince of the power of the air’s” spirit, has been working in the children of disobedience throughout history, to build the key to the bottom less pit, which is CERN.
By the end of the this video, you will understand the true symbolic meaning of the Fleur De Lis, the Illuminati Owl, the Double and Single Headed Phoenix, the Templars Cross and the Pine Cone, which will all expose the truth about fake space, our enclose system, the formation of the world, Planet X (Nibiru, Brown Dwarf), Black holes, universal waters, weather manipulation, CERN and how the Lord is going to bring judgement on the world with fire. And you will know that everything that has been hidden in the dark, has been made manifest.- Luke 8:17 and Jesus is coming soon.
Thank you Richard for your amazing work - We are blessed that you woke us up to the times that we are living in.
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