Dr.Joe Dispenza | Short Self Healing Meditation (26 min)

1 year ago

In this powerful 26-minute self-healing meditation for emotional and physical healing by Dr. Joe Dispenza meditation, you will learn how to unlock your healing potential and tap into the innate wisdom of your body to promote healing and well-being.
As you enter into this state of coherence, you will be able to release any negative emotions and beliefs that are holding you back from experiencing optimal health and well-being. You will also learn how to use the power of your mind and emotions to create positive changes in your body and your life.
By practicing this self-healing meditation on a regular basis, you will begin to experience optimal health and well-being, with increased energy, vitality, and inner peace. You will learn to trust your body's innate wisdom and healing potential, and to tap into that potential whenever you need it.
Speaker - Joe Dispenza

About Joe: Dr. Joe Dispenza is an international lecturer, researcher, corporate consultant, New York Times bestselling author, and educator who has spoken in over 33 countries across six continents. He is a lecturer and educator who believes that each of us has the potential for greatness and limitless abilities.
You can find more from Dr. Joe Dispenza's work here:
- drjoedispenza.com
- instagram.com/drjoedispenza
#drjoedispenza #eveningmeditation #joedispenzameditation
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