Miles Guo Sent to Federal Prison Shows Corruption in U.S. Justice System

1 year ago

06/23/2023 Nicole on Outside The Beltway: Miles Guo, CCP’s enemy number one and the biggest whistleblower, has been warning the American people CCP is their biggest and most dangerous existential threat. But Miles is locked up in federal prison without bail. This shows the corruption of the U.S. justice system.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/23/2023 妮可做客Outside The Beltway节目:作为中共的头号敌人,最大的爆料人,郭文贵先生一直在警告美国人民,中共是美国最大、最危险的现实威胁。但他却被关进了美国联邦监狱且不许保释。可以看出美国司法系统已经腐败透顶。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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