Sand In the USB Port of Time

1 year ago

Madking's Alchemical Delta: How to Ascend the Tree of Life to Reach Your Holy Guardian Angel:
$2.99 Author Profits go to Empower Us Ministries for election integrity and animal rescue






Each arrow is an hour meditation. If you do them you'll dream like I do, It's a snapshot of heaven. They are labeled in phases so you can go back to get a fuller picture.

Phase Nineteen
→ You stand with the angel with black pixie cut hair, Juh on the white, two meter square platform, she has a white glowing ring on her right pinky. She wears a platinum gamma pendant around her neck. She tells you you cannot pass her step without accepting the balance to all experiences, and the wisdom, thus, in seeking discomfort.
→She flies to a purple glowing platform also two meters width seven meters up; about three and a half meters up are two platinum Enochian Geds
→When you get up there, there is a blonde angel dressed in purple with a purple glowing ring on her left index finger. She has a platinum Gimmel around her neck. She tells you her name is Chuh. For she stands at the place of two Geds which is Chuh.
→She tells you you cannot pass till; you seek walking into fear to gain pleasure and walking into what bores you to bring ecstasy
→She flies up to a sardius glowing platform behind her that is sixteen meters square; it is a walled room from the pyramid around it; but with no fourth wall or ceiling. Three and a half meters up are three platinum Enochian Geds.
→When you feel you are ready to accept this teaching you fly up to the sardius step
→You are first overcome with a bright white light, then this white light recedes into the far right corner, revealing YHShVH in the midst, or Jesus.
→He tells you this aspect of him is Fuh because he stands in the place of three Enochian Geds which is a F sound.
→This F sound of the three Geds is the place of unification. And now you must seek to unite all the angels you have seen so far into one form
→At the middle of the edge of the step where you stand a purple light glows
→Bisecting the yellow topaz wall which is to your left from the pyramid enclosing the step, is a red light
→YHShVH rises on a black two square meter platform which rises over five feet high; he tells you to join him when that unity is accomplished

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