CONTROL Digital Passports Climate change Agenda WEF WHO BEAST 666

1 year ago

LISTEN to what the Globalist elite psychopaths are saying, you can laugh it off, but they are DEADLY SERIOUS and their not hiding their demonic intentions anymore. Accepting a NON CASH Digital currency only system for convenience is insane.

GLOBAL WARMING / CLIMATE CHANGE is a fear tool the Globalist elites are using to control the World. Its a LIE an excuse for the power grab. They want to monitor society through technology to track all individuals Carbon footprint. This will lead to NO PRIVACY , LOCK DOWNS , & other punishments for non compliancy.
Coupled with DIGITAL MONEY they can FREEZE you ACCOUNT until you comply to their every command. Just like we SEEN with the Canadian Truckers who had their Bank accounts frozen for protesting!!! against
Tyrant Justin Trudeau.

The Bible foretold all of this in Revelation the Beast System NWO New World Order 666 and the coming antichrist who will use this technology to enslave humanity.

Dystopian Totalitarianism Great reset World economic forum World Health Organisation Davos Green agenda Power Grab Control tracking chip Enslavement Klaus Schwab Bill Gates Justin Trudeau Anthony Fauci Rothschild Rockefeller Prince Charles Soros illuminati federal reserve bank pandemic Deindustrialisation China Green blue recovery Social credit system threatens our very freedom Democracy privacy Digital identity, Digital passport QR Code AI Mark of the Beast Technology

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