Doors are closing! Crochet Boss Academy Q&A - Episode 9

2 years ago

The doors to Crochet Boss Academy are closing tonight at midnight EST and won't open up again until Spring 2024.

Join me for this live to answer any last-minute Crochet Boss Academy questions you might have. I will answer every single one of them!

I don't want anybody inside of Crochet Boss Academy who wouldn't be a good fit, I will absolutely tell you if I don't think Crochet Boss Academy is the course for you.

Enroll today and set your business up for a lifetime of success!

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Crochet Boss Academy:
2023 Content Calendar:

0:00 Welcome
5:07 what do you think of selling finished plushies mostly online instead of doing markets?
6:11 Are all of the resources that I will need be in the Amazon workbook? Is it okay to wait for it to be available?
9:11 What works best for keeping financial records and keeping them backed up?
13:40 I don’t have an official business name, how can I start an Etsy shop? It could change if I don’t know my niche yet?
14:54 will we be able to share resources for business, like where to find shipping supplies, in the group?
18:10 I’ve stared an Etsy shop, but not getting many orders. It’s been up for about 4 months. Is it too soon to try to switch gears and a different target audience.
23:20 how many lives a week will you do?
26:06 Ashley, I am from Brazil and LOVE everything you make and talk! I am the one who makes handmade notebooks BUT, AND, will join the Crochet Boss Academy next round! 
33:10 How do you deal with sore hands, arms, elbows, etc from crocheting so much?
41:50 How do you juggle time/ workloads for example wip, website work, future plans etc. sometimes I just want to do all the things and end of paralyzed
48:40 Question: why do you believe so much in email listing? It seems like people don't care about it very much.
53:00 Will 4 payments be an option next year or something like Klarna?
58:01 how do you discipline yourself to set the reminders? is it in the moment that you set them?
1:02:11 I make something ea day and still don’t know how you build up enough inventory without helpers. Just curious 
1:04:38 Do you have any pdfs on shipping for small businesses available for purchase ? I’d buy it!
1:07:40 oh i just found a reminder app in my phone, I have an android ! I have a focus mode on my hp laptop too. you're motivating me to actually use these dentures! it would help my ADHD mind immensely
1:12:58 I love your content. How is your CBA different from Pam's CBA? I don't want to start a finished product business but I'd like to start a blog. Do you have a course for building a blog business only?
1:17:46 Do you ever sell items that aren't 100% crochet? example... I am planning to make an Easter basket including a bunny bag or your beautiful boho bag.... is that something that I would be able to do?
1:18:26 What happens if your ideal customer changes for example mine are all starting families, do you change with them ? Do I start adding products to suit them.. I know I’ll find this out in the course
1:23:43 how do you decide what items you want to focus on selling? I have a few different items that I sell.
1:30:28 My husband feels that I couldn’t ever make enough money selling crochet items. He prices items by how long it takes you to make it. How do I explain the pricing concept to him?
1:40:17 Shipping question: I currently only sell to the US and Canada because I've been worried that if I do international shipping that I'll have to pay customs. Does Etsy take care of all that?
1:41:17 I currently can't afford CBA.. do you by any chance have any advice about shipping? I really want to open an Etsy account but I'm scared of not understanding the shipping.
1:42:23 What’s a good price to pay yourself per hour when making things? Especially when you’re just starting out.
1:46:13 What type of printer do you use for the shipping labels?
1:47:51 On Etsy, When the customer pays for shipping, don't we get paid the shipping because we have to purchase the label ourselves?

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