NIGHT SHADOWS 06232023 -- What’s Happened? Today, June 23, a 9-23 occult code?

1 year ago

June 23, 2023. A 9-23 in code, an important number to the occult forces of the world. NATO's Air Defender is now winding down and so far, it appears no major "event" as of yet. As no one knows what is really going on behind the curtain we all have to wait to see what happens next! Will there be a major false flag event? NATO keeps probing the Bear and wants WW3, but God is in total control. It appears His warnings are about over, and the judgments will become more and more severe, and closer together as we come into the front-waters of Daniel's lost week. Then we have the Sun throwing off one CME after another, and that results in more severe weather, more earthquakes, volcanic activity and so on. The UN and WEF march on with their Great Reset and lay the groundwork for their next "wave" of death with a more deadly "jab". 

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