It's all a Test!!!

1 year ago

This is just a test!

Dont freak out! All the obstacles appearing in your reality are actually being presented by your higher self to prepare you for all the beautiful blessings that will be very soon entering your reality!

If things are given too easily we do not appreciate them! It's just human nature, and there is nothing wrong with being human as long as you realize you are actually so much more!

I love you!

🌅Humanity UNITES to sing a new song🌅

#poetry #johnathonjay #spokenword #truth #wakeup #ascension #wisdom #newearth #jedi #magician #magick #unity #peace #harmony #balance #strength #temperance
#lyran #elohim #elohei #seraphim #seraphi #ascendedmaster #spiritguide #lifecoach #wisdomkeeper #newcodes #unlockyourdna #lion #bull #ram #luka #torch #illumination #liberty #freedom #soverignty #godsovereignfree #christconsciousness

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