Third Eye Energy Vlog

1 year ago

The Third Eye title is from the date June 23,2023 this 36 or #9 the Hermit who develops i his third eye , the Third Eye Vision liberate your vulnerability. Reclaim your mind, from the Sacred Spirit reading cards.

The schumann resonance today Disclosure site showed us three amplitudes. the first was a power of 27 at 6:30 AM UTC thus we have the hermit advising another hermit. We then had the big spike in amplitude we a power of 40 at 7:15 AM UTC. Thus we have Death either preceding the Emperor building empire through war of death coming to the emperor read Tyrant Biden. We end the amplitudes witth a power of 247 again at 9:30 AM UTC. Thus we have the Hanged Man suspending action like the Hermit to find inner s wisdom or is it a new perspective? The squality waa at a power of 8.00, thus we have the strength card as king us to be strong and brave. The frequency average worked out to 7.78 hertz again. Thus we have the Fool card telling us to beawar and to take that leap of faith the universe has got your back. All together then we have the Herit retreating from the society of the Emperor for though he has strength he is a fool.
On the Space Weather new site we did see flaring up in to the M class but no CME. the Density of the solar wind was at an eight or nine protons. The solar wind speed hit 450 (kPS). The solar wind temperature was in the 50,000 Kelvin range. The KP index of Geomagnetic activity was in the green Zone with a High average level of 2.30 and a low of 1.25 most of the day was in the two ranges or more .
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather News Site:

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