How to play Q-Bitz

1 year ago

Learn the rules to the board game Q-Bitz quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to collect the most cards after 9 rounds. The object of each round is to be the first player to correctly arrange their cubes to match the pattern on the card. Give each player a tray and 16 same-colored cubes. Shuffle, then place the stack of q-bitz cards facedown in the center of the table. Before each round, all cubes start out of the trays.

There are no turns, all play happens simultaneously. In the first round, any player turns over the top b-bitz card then all the players race to recreate the pattern shown on the card using only their own set of colored cubes, rotating them any way they wish. The first player to complete the pattern yells “q-bitz” and all the other players stop and verify the pattern is correct. If it is, then that player collects the card. If it is incorrect, then play resumes for everyone.

In the 2nd round, play as before except this time all players must roll their cubes like dice and then may only use the top faces of the cubes. Player may reroll their dice as many times as they want. In the 3rd round, it is the same as the first round, except the card is flipped face up for only 10 seconds, in which the players must memorize the pattern, then it is flipped face down. Once a player thinks they have it they yell q-bitz and can check the card. If they are incorrect then play resumed for the other players. If no one gets the pattern perfectly, then once everyone has checked then the player with the most cubes in the correct location wins the round. If it is a tie, then the player who had shouted “q-bitz” sooner, wins.

Play 3 sets of 3 rounds. Then the player with the most cards at the end, wins.

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