1650 games bowled become a better Straight/Hook ball bowler #154 with the Brooklyn Crusher 6-22-23

1 year ago

bowled 55 games with an AVG of 189. my second day of bowling right hand side throw & right side foot slide.

Since I use totally different muscles switching from left foot slide & right hand throw my muscles on my other side of my body need to strengthen & my timing needs to get better also my approach needs to be way more smother but I think its for the better of things.
I say since I bowl a LOT of games 50 plus in 4 hours of continuous bowling, bowling daily marathons I should be able to bowl at least a 10% of games bowled as 300 games because I even bowl in NO-TAP where 9 pins is a purple strike & real ten pin falls are white X strikes!! I got to say I did have one game my 12th games the first day I switched from left foot slide to right foot right throw slide. I mean it was only a 277 but I only had 2 purple NO-TAP strikes as all the other strikes were real 10 pin white X strikes. that was my first 45 game marathon bowling session. that game PROVED I am on the right track. I had 10 in a row in that game so switching foot slide in my opinion WAS the RIGHT thing for me to do!

My arms, hands, Wrist & upper body have NO aches its all lower leg to Buttex that do ache. last 2 days I walk a little like an OLD man do to the aches but NO pain, NO gain as they say. its even worst after the second day of 55 games. BUT NO PAIN NO GAIN! I hope I will be able to bowl my 178 avg on league on 6-23-23??? really the only pain I've had to date was a little stff neck, a vary little tennis elbow twice & an ache in my shoulder but all vary minor aches. its the legs to Buttex that ache the most, well & a slight stiffness in the lower back! oh that's right the back of my sliding heel too. that did ache the most of all but it makes since because that's where all your weight is every single time you slide. 50 games could be 21 slides a game or up to over 1,000 body weight on your sliding back heel of your sliding foot, ouch!

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