Andrew Tate - Thats a bribe

1 year ago

Who do you fight for?

Everybody is fighting for something.

If you're employed, you fight for your company.

If you work hard to be in fantastic shape, you fight for your reputation.

You fight to have control over the way others perceive you.

If you tell the truth, even to your detriment, you're fighting for God.

War is everywhere.


And you are a combatant whether you like it or not.

There are admirals like myself with massive influence and unknown footsoldiers - but the fact remains.

Every move you make, every word you speak, every view you hold.

These are the bullets and shells spent shaping the battlefield.

Your actions are affecting the overall consciousness of humanity.

Even at a micro level, it is micros that build macros.

The real question is.

Do you know what you’re fighting for? Do you know which side you’re on?

Do you know exactly how your existence affects everybody you interact with?

What would the world look like with an extra 1 million people just like you?

What if there were zero people like you, then what?

Do you think about these things?

Do you understand how people feel when they see you?

Are they impressed? Self-conscious? Repulsed?

Most of you are invisible and people don’t notice you at all.

What happens when people listen to you speak?

Do you know how that will make them feel and act?

Do you understand cause and effect?

Do you track the ripples you create in space-time with a friendly hello to an unknown?


You’ve been fighting for the enemy this entire time. On accident.

Every time somebody views you in your brutally offensive meritocracy, the absolute lack of merit sticking to your skin like a stench, they think it’s ok to be just like you.

Well, he’s a nobody, so I guess being a nobody isn’t so bad.

To be another useless slave in the machine.

A pawn who is ready to die for a war he doesn’t understand.

The decisions of kings you can’t even name guide your entire life path.

They decide where you live and how you eat and who you love.

And your distinct averageness is lending firepower to an enemy which is intent on crushing you into absolute submission.

You will only fight for the good guys when you become remarkable. Excellent. Exceptional.

When people see you and realize that they must BE better and DO better because your presence lights the burning feeling of inferiority in their hearts.

You must BLIND. Like the SUN. Without saying a word.

Whenever I walk into a room THE WORLD STOPS SPINNING.

Everybody feels it.

Until you can do the same you’re simply an enemy combatant, fighting a war you don’t even know is raging.

Waiting to be shot in the head and forgotten about.

When you die, nobody will care.

- Tate

Join the Thriving Clan: Over 300,000 Visionaries Uniting, Profiting, and Manifesting Success in the Physical Realm and fighting back -

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full uncut pbs interview • TATES PBS FULL IN...

Revealed Knowledge: Embrace the Awakening, Rise with Choices at Hand


Don't be silent to protect yourself. Seeing a man hurt a child and standing by, doing nothing, is blatant complicity. You have refused to stop it, which is the same as allowing it to happen. That goes for every form of crime. When we stand by and do nothing, we are part of the criminal act.
The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over mankind and our planet’s resources. David Icke coined it the “Totalitarian Tip-Toe,” because “they” are making very small steps towards our complete and definitive enslavement.

As a result, the masses remain relatively unaware of the fact that their liberties are being gradually taken away, while the power of the NWO octopus grows steadily.

The shadow forces behind the NWO agenda

Somewhere near the very top of the pyramid, an extremely elitist organisation known as the Council of the 13 families orchestrates all of the major world events. As the name suggests, the Council consists of the top 13 most influential families on Earth.

An increasingly number of people is becoming aware that 99% of the Earth’s population is controlled by an “elite” 1%, but the Council of the 13 families consists of less than 1% of the 1% “elite” and nobody on Earth can apply for membership.

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