June 2023: Moon Pulls 🌕 New Moon in ♊️ Gemini: All Signs: ♈️♉️ ♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️

1 year ago

June 2023: Moon Pulls 🌕 New Moon in ♊️ Gemini: All Signs: ♈️♉️ ♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️

💥Marvelous Intro: 0:00
➡️ 🌕 New Moon in ♊️ Gemini Podcast Intro: 1:25
♈️ Aries Sun(s) & Rising(s): (3rd House): 7:47
♉️ Taurus Sun(s) & Rising(s): (2nd House): 8:41
♊️ Gemini Sun(s) & Rising(s): (1st House): 9:42
♋️ Cancer Sun(s) & Rising(s): (12th House): 10:55
♌️ Leo Sun(s) & Rising(s): (11th House): 11:55
♍️ Virgo Sun(s) & Rising(s): (10th House): 13:11
♎️ Libra Sun(s) & Rising(s): (9th House): 14:30
♏️ Scorpio Sun(s) & Rising(s): (8th House): 15:46
♐️ Sagittarius Sun(s) & Rising(s): (7th House): 16:59
♑️ Capricorn Sun(s) & Rising(s): (6th House): 18:40
♒️ Aquarius Sun(s) & Rising(s): (5th House): 19:57
♓️ Pisces Sun(s) & Rising(s): (4th House): 21:29
💥Marvelous Outro: 22:56

💥Marvelous Intro: 23:20
➡️ Power Wish: 26:02
♊️ Gemini Sun(s) & Rising(s): (16): It's Almost Over: 36:12
♉️ Taurus Sun(s) & Rising(s): (28): Someone New is Coming: 37:10
♋️ Cancer Sun(s) & Rising(s): (11): Embrace This Magical Moment: 38:17
♎️ Libra Sun(s) & Rising(s): (17): It's Time to Play: 39:39
♑️ Capricorn Sun(s) & Rising(s): (29): Stay the Course: 40:43
♈️ Aries Sun(s) & Rising(s): (31): Take Control of Your Thoughts: 41:38
♌️ Leo Sun(s) & Rising(s): (7): Change is Coming: 43:00
♍️ Virgo Sun(s) & Rising(s): (36): Trust Your Angels: 44:05
♏️ Scorpio Sun(s) & Rising(s): (14): Have No Fear: 45:03
♐️ Sagittarius Sun(s) & Rising(s): (4): Be a Light to Others: 45:56
♒️ Aquarius Sun(s) & Rising(s): (5): Be Honest with Yourself: 46:56
♓️ Pisces Sun(s) & Rising(s): (43): Your Vibration is Rising: 48:38
Outro: 50:48

🌕 New Moon in ♊️ Gemini
Before we take a closer look at the astrology of the upcoming new moon in Gemini, let’s clarify the spiritual meaning of this auspicious lunar phase. In addition to marking the beginning of a brand-new lunar cycle, the new moon occurs when the sun joins forces with the moon via the same degree of a zodiac sign. Moreover, the moon represents your innermost feelings and emotional foundations, while the sun symbolizes your ego and physical identity. Anything is possible when both of these ever-glowing luminaries come together, as its mysticism and potency stems from its innate fertility. Having said that, this is an excellent time to reflect on your goals and dreams, so that you may plant your seeds of intention for the future.

Vanishing into the velvet night on June 18 at exactly 12:37 a.m. EST, the moon will renew itself via 26 degrees of inquisitive Gemini. BTW, you might’ve noticed how the past couple of new moons activated the later degrees of their prospective signs. Essentially, this means that there is something we’re in the process of clearing and/or finalizing in our personal lives, but I digress. Despite whether you’re setting new intentions at this time, this is an opportunity to take in fresh insight, and perhaps even see both sides of a situation. What are you looking forward to executing and manifesting? Governed by Mercury via its sign of rulership (because it’s currently in Gemini) this lunation can bring more meaning to the dynamic of our immediate surroundings.

On a more perplexing note, the sun and moon will square off with perplexing Neptune, which is where things can suddenly seem more ambiguous than we’re comfortable admitting. That being said, if you’re feeling restless or hesitant, it’s important to cultivate balance between your logical and intuitive mind. Although, given the influence of all-encompassing Neptune, we’d be better off surrendering the need to overanalyze (Gemini) things, and allowing our third eye/inner knowing to speak for itself. Allow yourself to become acclimated to this newly found awareness.

🔖Featured Card(s) for June 2023: 🌕 New Moon in ♊️ Gemini:💥💥
🃏 The Sword & The Light Oracle


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Marvelous Madame
304 S. Jones Boulevard
Suite 3641
Las Vegas, NV 89107


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Namaste! ✨✨


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