The Lost Codex by Ethereal_Cultivator: Virtue & Vice

1 year ago

Virtue & Vice
Mammalian moral sensibilities do not require explanation, because they are what is natural to the minds of mammals. Yet even so, the moral sensibilities of a species do not constitute objective morality.

If an objective standard of morality exists, such a standard would likely have far more to do with basic concepts like harm & benefit, or deception & information, rather than with things like trust & expectations, or betrayal & loyalty.

Virtue, therefore, is said to be an attainment of individuals, rather than a requirement of any secular government.
Vice, therefore, is said to be a cause for disreputability, not incarceration.

Laws & customs vary according to time & place, but propriety endures forever
What is considered a crime can change, but both crime & vice are frowned upon

Neither vice or virtue are inborn, they are individual attainments that can be gained
Of virtues, humans can cultivate three: Compassion, Comportment, or Wisdom
Of vices, humans can contract three: Greed, Lust, or Cruelty

At the root of all virtue is non-attachment to personal desires
At the root of all vices is selfishness & unchecked desire

Benevolence, courage, trust & integrity are fine human virtues
But it is possible to plunder the benevolent, To incite the courageous
To deceive the trusting, & to entreat against those with integrity

If you need rules to be kind & virtuous,
if you only act virtuous to earn rewards or escape punishment,
This is a sure sign that virtue is absent; that the people have lost the way

When morals are preached, the desire to be righteous is lost
When vice & treachery are ubiquitous, morality arises of it’s own accord

So to teach virtue, teach without speaking
To denounce greed, do not hoard possessions
To condemn lust, do not strive to dominate anyone
To denounce cruelty, Offer mercy & forgiveness

The highest virtue is to be content, without desire
The best demonstration of virtue is to not strive to possess anything

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