The Lost Codex by Ethereal_Cultivator: The Self & The Ego

1 year ago

The Self & The Ego
On earth, all things are divided
In heaven, God-Light is whole, holy, unified, & united.

The ego is the part of the mind that doesn’t want to forgive.
It is the ego that has a great desire to physically incarnate, & so it is also the ego that wants to survive & keep the physical body alive. The ego, generally, has two desires: survival & supremacy. Beyond this, it is also the ego that is wary of traps, tricks, deception, & danger, as it needs to be in order to keep the body alive.

On earth, individuals can be of a split mind.
On one hand, the part of their mind that feels like it’s a victim is angry, & it’s angry because they are holding onto bitterness & resentment, because of their refusal to forgive.
This is the ego.

The ego wages attacks upon everyone & everything, but mostly upon god, accusing god of betrayal. Intoxicated by their own feelings of entitlement, they do not perceive that it is they who chose to leave heaven in order to come to earth. It is the ego who valued material reality over the immaterial, & the proof of this choice, the proof of their choice to incarnate, & thus the greatest demonstration of the ego’s values, is the body itself.
So, the irony is, that it is the ego who has betrayed god(by choosing to incarnate)
They’re simply just projecting their own actions upon god.

Yet, until the atonement has been accepted, & all the children of god are reunited in heaven,
On earth, people can be at war within their own minds as their ego launches attacks upon their self.

To unify the mind, people must learn to forgive.
Like any other skill, people learn how to forgive through practice
&, as they say, practice makes perfect.

In order to be able to forgive others, you must first have learned how to forgive yourself.
Forgiving yourself for your own flaws, short-comings, or failures is what allows any war within yourself to end & that is what allows your mind to be reunified & made whole.

There is no other means to amend trauma within the mind, but by overlooking whatever pain the ego imagines to be real. Bodies can suffer & be endangered, but when you’re no longer a body, from what could you suffer, or what could threaten you? Material reality & immaterial reality have nothing in common, & so the ego has no means of ever threatening what isn’t physical.
That’s why I say the ego only imagines pain to be real; because the ego only regards physical things as being real, when in reality, the spirit of a person will outlive however many bodies they need to live in before they stop ever needing to incarnate onto a physical planet.

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