I Went To See My MP Today..!

1 year ago

Faith In Politics - Is Honesty Dead'? Podcast with Derek Thomas MP – Churches Together in Cornwall infoHub
My Letter To Derek...
For My MP Derek Thomas
I would like you as my MP to look into some very disturbing information i now aware of.
i would like you to contact
The PM Rishi Sunak and Ben Wallace the defence secretary and Suella Braverman the Home secretary - as they should have information regarding this huge issue that affects this country in this so called War on Russia that NATO is now fully engaged in, in an alliance with Ukraine/Zelensky.
And i think an answer from them would be reasonable considering the seriousness of the subject.
On Wednesday morning 21/06/23 i was watching Julia Hartley-Brewer live on Talk Radio TV talk about events of concern and she was assisted by 'Benedict Spence' who gave his opinions as the subjects came up.
Benedict Spence is a freelance journalist living in London, focusing on British, European and Middle Eastern politics. He is a friend of the Conservative Party and a confident of many Conservative MP's and Party workers so is privy to a lot of information of the direction the Government Conservative Party is taking.
The Government use's Journalist like Benedict Spence to float idea's they have ahead of enacting them so you can imagine my HORROR when he said that when the Ukraine succeed in pushing back the Russians and re-takes The Crimea and The Donbass that Ethnic Russian speaking people should be deported from their homes land citys just like Stalin did with Ethnic People who were problamatic to him at the time.
So here is a confident of many people in the Conservative Paty stating that when NATO achive their aim of defeating Russia that millions of people should be forced to leave their homes of many genertions. I imagine the plan is that those who refuse would be placed in Gulags because Stalin is the model for this drastic developing NATO possible solution to What Do We Do With The Ethnic Russians..!.
So can you as my MP write to Rishi Sunak and Ben Wallace and Suella Braverman asking them to tell me if they are aware of any NATO or British Government plans to bring about Mass Deportation of Russian speaking peoples from lands they have lived on for several hundred years considering the fact that Benedict Spence a confident of many people and MP's in the Conservative Party now feels he can openly talk about this draconian course of action.
And can they also comment/inform me what is their opinion on what Putins corse of action's would be when NATO/Zelensky brought about this mass deportation copying Stalin in his most evil of times.
This is a serious matter that needs clarifying.
Regards James O'Neill

PERSONAL for Derek Thomas MP
i am 1 of your constituants and have brought a few serious matters to your attention before.
I think that you as a christian should be interested in TRUTH. and i am letting you know that on May 2nd 2014 i was 1 of the few people in this country (along with British Secret Service People) who actually watched LIVE FEED of Ukrainian speaking Ukraineians in Odessa Burning alive Russian speaking Ukrainians in The Union Building who they had chased and trapped inside.
I watched live feed as People were in windows trying to escape the flames and smoke and The Ukranians were throwing petrol bomb after petrol bomb to feed the fire as they were determined to kill everyone.
i Witnessed this on live feed
i actually witnessed live feed of a Ukraine police officer firing his pistol at people on the roof and in windows as the screamed as flames and smoke wre everywhere.
I witnessed on Live feed a Russian speaking man lay on a 2nd floor ledge trying to escape the heat of the fire with his clothing smoldering roll off the ledge fall the 2 fllors then bounce off the concrete and then instantly Ukranian speaking Ukrainians rushed at him as he lay on the ground and beat him to death with Iorn Bars and bats...!
I watched this all on Live Feed on my computer..!
A couple of years ago i presented you with strong evidence of possible pedophile behaviour/activity in Newmill and Mousehole and all you had to offer was that i should contact the police and you did not seem to want to get involved.
So on this matter of a NATO plan for mass deportation of Russian speakers from the Crimea and The Donbass i think i am entitled to an energetic response as it is possible that the actions of NATO as they go at Russia ignoring the genocidal actions of Ukraine/Zelensky and the Nazi elements in the Ukraine military like The NAZI Azov brigade like the killing of those Ethnic Russians in Odessa on May 2nd 2014 could bring about a Nuclear Response as NATO backs Russia into a corner...!
As a Christian The Truth should matter to you!
So i suggest you Google Search - May 2nd 2014 The Odessa Massacre where you can see people burning other people alive and enjoying it...
Regards James O'Neill.
Hope to have a response from our PM and the relevant Ministers on this terrible plan to deport Ethnic Russians soon.
On the matter of The Possible Organised Pedophile problem here in your constituancy I never got any response from Penzance or Cambourne police despite me sending them Recorded Delivery Letters with the information.

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