Failure to Question the Experts Nearly Killed Me. You Have Been Warned. (Reloaded)

1 year ago

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My book, chronicling my INSANE medical journey:

Originally posted in December 2020.

Original post:

The only person who knows how sick I really was is my husband. THIS is how bad it can get. There are few individuals who have been this sick and lived to tell the tale.

Severe Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, extreme Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, terrible latex allergies, mold illness, and (now) pretty stinking bad EHS.... all related. All preventable. But I didn't know.

I'm sharing so that YOU know now! No one cares about your health more than you. Don't be a statistic. The system of Western medicine is set up to create patients for a lifetime. Doctors are set up to fail.

Ditch the toxins so you can THINK again! And if you are this sick, know that there IS hope- and a natural alternative for every pharmaceutical!

Our healthy home literally saved my life. Everything happens for a reason. :)

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