Hanlon's razor: A mental model to THINK more rationally AND make FEWER ENEMIES

1 year ago

Hanlon's razor is a mental model or way of thinking from philosophy that can improve our reasoning when dealing with the actions of others. Watch this video to learn more about this heuristic or thinking principle that can be a potent tool in your self-improvement toolbox. Hanlon's razor is especially useful for conflict resolution and improving our tendency to jump to conclusions about the intent of others that may otherwise lead to anger and negative social conflicts.

Mental models in general were made popular by Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's business partner. Mental models are cognitive tools made out of ideas that allow the user to obtain an advantage in thinking ability by harnessing the big ideas of different disciplines. As you continue to learn about mental models and other principles, you can progress through life more effectively and if you follow us on this journey of self-improvement, your life should leave a trail of success clues for others to follow.

#mentalmodel #mentalmodels #mindtools #cognitivetools #learning #thinkingskills
#hanlonsrazor #malice #peace #benefitofthedoubt

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