Salvage by AD_79 (UV-Max) | Tetanus

1 year ago

Ultra-Violence 100% (All kills, items & secrets)

Link to the WAD:

Note from player: I genuinely thought the run was over about three times during this run, blew myself up with rockets way too often and had really bad placement during some fights. Also, as unique and creative the underwater segment is, I wasn't a fan of backtracking to the main area everytime my oxygen ran out. Other than that, this level was amazing and pace of combat was perfect for my taste in levels.

Source Port: DSDA-Doom v0.26.2
Difficulty: Ultra-Violence
PWAD: TTNS_RC2.wad, tet_hud_wide.wad
Game: DOOM 2 - Hell on Earth
Platform: PC | Windows 11

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