Mayor Adams will pay New Yorkers to house asylum seekers

1 year ago

#mayorericadams #sanctuarycity #nycmayor #migrants #nynews#nychousing #newyorkcity #mayorericadams #thenextcomeup #nychomes
UPATE* - Mayor Adams responded when asked if he would house migrants in #graciemansion in a recent press briefing—“If it doesn’t go against legal protocols — there are protocols in place so I can’t use the building in any way I want — but I don’t have a problem if I could put a migrant family in Gracie Mansion.”
#nyc Mayor Eric Adams hinted at
New York residents being compensated to house ‘asylum seekers’ in their homes, and vacant #apts.
“There are residents who are suffering right now because of economic challenges. They have spare rooms. They have locales.”
He added that, “It’s cheaper and it’s a good investment for us to go to a family and assist them instead of placing people in large congregate settings or in these emergency hotels.”
Currently up to 50 houses of worship within the five boroughs will also be invited to house adult male migrants overnight next month at a nightly rate of about $125 for each asylum seeker. Five offsite daytime centers
will be opened to accommodate asylum seekers with programming and support.
When asked if #migrants would be sheltered in his private home, the question for now remains unanswered.

#bordercrossers #nycnews #migrantcrisis #asylumseekers #asylum #nycresident #nycresidents #spareroom #emergencyshelter #immigrationnews #nys #queensny #brooklynny #bronxny #statenislandny #nyny #nychousing #nycmedia #newyorkers #nycnews

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