How To Avoid Losing Your Job

2 years ago

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These days, people don’t stick with things that aren’t working.

Had a poor customer service experience? Move onto a new company.

Tried a bad restaurant? Move on to something new.

Your phone qualifies for an upgrade? Get the newest model.

Everything is dispensable and replaceable.

Including you.

But you aren’t replaceable and dispensable if you learn things and are willing to change, take on new challenges, get out of your comfort zone, and practice emotional intelligence.

You prove your value every day as you push yourself, take risks, and mentor others.

You aren’t dispensable because you regularly update your skills and mindsets to prepare for the future.

#futureofwork #leadership #dispensable #replaceable #growthmindset #skills


Jacob Morgan is a keynote speaker, best-selling author, and futurist. He explores how the world of work is changing, what the future of work is going to look like, and we need to do to prepare. To work with Jacob or have him speak at your event visit

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