Why it's More Important to be Trusted Instead of Liked | Jacob Morgan

1 year ago

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At work, would you rather be liked or be trusted?

A lot of people say it’s more important to be liked. But as a leader, is that really what’s important?

One of the hardest things to learn is that it’s better to be trusted than to be liked.

As a leader, you will have to make the tough calls, and people aren’t always going to be happy. But if they trust you and understand why you made that decision, they will follow you.

It’s great to be liked and trusted, but you can’t always have both. You might make decisions that will upset others, but the most important thing is to let them know why you need to make those decisions.

#futureofwork #leadership #trust #transparency #appreciation


Jacob Morgan is a keynote speaker, best-selling author, and futurist. He explores how the world of work is changing, what the future of work is going to look like, and we need to do to prepare. To work with Jacob or have him speak at your event visit TheFutureOrganization.com

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