Where is your LINE IN THE SAND before you are motivated to take action?

1 year ago

Libertarian99: My "line in the sand" has been ever since early 2021 when it was becoming obvious to me that these so called CV19 VAXXINES were NOT for health but a heinous diabolical agenda by these SATANIC PARASITES sometimes called "the ELITE" have been talking about for DECADES (Dr. Rima Laibow etc...) where I said I have to DO something even if it was just something small like emailing friends & family weekly updates and then figuring out how to post videos on this free speech platform called Rumble. Small actions by a lot of people can move mountains!

I am sure there are a lot of people out there who are awake thinking we are going to VOTE our way out of this tyranny which we can't. The globalists are anticipating that we still believe in their CON GAME and the ILLUSION OF CHOICE. It seems everyone are waiting for somebody to come out and finally put a stop to all of this and this agenda just keeps going but it is WE THE PEOPLE that are the only ones who can stop it. They are scared of us UNITING as they have always done their DIVIDE & CONQUER techniques and controlling both sides. At the very least WE WILL NOT COMPLY with this Satanic Criminal World Government as we know where it leads.

Source: Jim Crenshaw

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