All Roads Lead to Dark Winter - June 22-23, 2001

1 year ago

The leaders of two controversial pandemic simulations that took place just months before the Coronavirus crisis – Event 201 and Crimson Contagion – share a common history, the 2001 biowarfare simulation Dark Winter. Dark Winter not only predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks, but some of its participants had clear foreknowledge of those attacks.

Dark Winter. Read. Remember.

On June 22-23, 2001, the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies, in collaboration with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Analytic Services Institute for Homeland Security, and the Oklahoma National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, held a senior-level exercise called "Dark Winter."

The exercise simulated a fictional scenario of a covert smallpox attack on US citizens, set in three successive National Security Council meetings that took place over a period of 14 days. The principal designers, authors, and controllers of the project were Tara O'Toole and Tom Inglesby of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies and Randy Larsen and Mark DeMier of Analytic Services.

Tom Inglesby has worked for DARPA and BARDA, and was part of the notorious Event 201 pandemic planning event.

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