Silent War Ep. 6328: CPS Kidnaps Child: Transition&Suicide, Biowar, DemWildfires, Foreign Cops

1 year ago

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In this episode of The Silent War:
UN Secretary-General Proposes 'Global Digital Compact' To Push Laws Against Online 'Hate.'

BlackRock Recruiter Claims Senators Can Be ‘Bought’ For $10k, War ‘Good For Business’: O’Keefe.

Hunter Biden To Plead Guilty To Tax Crimes, Admit To Gun Charge.

“We Do Not Support Taiwan Independence” – Tony Blinken Gives Green Light to Chicoms to Invade Taiwan.

Liberal Donor to Lincoln Project and Democrat Campaigns Arrested for Starting Massive California Fire that Destroyed 100 Homes.

Russian General Says U.S. Preparing to Use Mosquito-Filled Drones in Ukraine.

Dr. Ben Hu, Patient Zero? New FOIA Documents Released Reveal a ‘Smoking Gun’: COVID Was Created at Wuhan Lab, Escaped From ‘Gain of Function’ Research – And Was Financed by US Taxpayer Money!

Obama-Appointed Judge Strikes Down Arkansas’ Ban on Gender Transition Procedures For Minors.

Florida Affordability Drops After Flood Of Transplants, High Interest Rates.

A Step Too Far: U.S. Approves Sale of Lab-Grown Chicken Meat in Unsettling Precedent.

Democrats Chant “Shame!… Shame!…” After Adam Schiff Is Censured for LYING REPEATEDLY to American Public About Trump-Russia Hoax.

Boston First Responders Horrified to Find Four Children at Transgender-Drag Party with a Dead Body and Drugs and Sex Toys Scattered Throughout the Home.

'My daughter was murdered by a gender ideology': LA mom slams CPS after it took away her daughter and let her transition into a man - before she killed herself three years later aged just 19.

New Illinois Bill Would Allow Non US Citizens to Serve in Law Enforcement.
Woke British Teacher Throws a Fit After Girl Mocks Student for Identifying as a Cat – Students Proceed Annihilate Teacher in Debate on “Gender Identity.”

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