Ben Shapiro Proves Kids CAN'T Choose Their Own Gender | Mark 9:42

1 year ago

Kids don't know how the world works. And apparently some of their parents don't either.

Mark 9:42; [Jesus continued,] "But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone hung around your neck."

So often in our passion to preserve the purity of the faith, we begin to exclude others. While purity in our faith is important, Jesus reminds us of the other side of the matter: woe to us if we exclude someone who Jesus sees as belonging to him or do anything to cause another to lose faith. New Christians, weak believers, and children are all precious to God. He doesn't want a single one to lose faith for any reason and certainly not because of the hardheadedness, hardheartedness, or arrogance of a worker of iniquity.

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