Call of Duty Town Reimagined Custom Zombies Map

1 year ago

Call of Duty Town Reimagined Custom Zombies Map
Map created by Xela

Map Features and Description

Relive the unsettling experience of Town set years after the events of TranZit.

Here it is everyone! Hope you all enjoy playing it as much as I did making it! :]

This map was entirely made by me, in terms of mapping. Gameplay features, scripting and other assets were all supplied by the following people in the credits list. I can't thank everyone enough who helped me test my map, you were all a huge help and I appreciate it greatly!

I also want to give a special shoutout to a few people who tested my map and helped greatly with this project:
VerK0 - Supplied me with all the PBR textures you will see in this map, including the lava. He also found bugs in my map I would have never seen if it weren't for him.
Symbo - Scripted all the easter eggs in the map and has his explosive zombie script.
Clix - Supplied me with the zombie models and helped me with sounds throughout the map.
ZeRoY - Supplied me with the jukebox model in the Bar and helped with various other bugs with the map during testing.
eMoX - Supplied me with the BO2 M1911.
Madgaz - Supplied me with Banana Colada and helped making all the perks work properly as well as the zombie animations for Banana Colada with the map.

Song for music easter egg: Light the Torch - Raise the Dead
^^^This song is, in fact, copyright, I do not own the rights to this song^

#customzombies #bo3customzombies #townreimagined

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