Bathroom Remodel DIY 2

1 year ago

Second part of a complete bathroom remodel. We pull out the toilet, tear out the tile and get ready to tile the floor.

00:00 Mixing thin set
00:30 Instructions on how to mix the thin set
00:55 Put water in first, outside to control the mess
01:15 Putting water first will help with your clean up
01:30 Goal is a consistency between peanut butter and soup
02:10 If it's a little heavy you can do cups instead of picking the bag up
02:30 Use an electric drill to mix it
03:00 Get all the lumps out of there
03:30 The drill is getting a work out
03:45 You might want to use a heavier electric drill
04:30 Random marriage advice lol
04:55 When you mix a lot you kind of know
05:25 He'll use a 6" finishing knife to pull that out
05:55 Chalk line that he popped
06:10 Size of trowel they are using
06:40 You need more there if you can see the dots
07:15 He provides the knowledge of how it's supposed to be done
07:30 Decided to lay tile in thirds
08:00 Cut at 6 and half inches for the stagger
08:23 Cutting the tile
08:45 This particular saw how it works
09:40 The speed of the motor
09:50 Want to watch the speed near edges, it will break the tile
10:00 You don't have to have this fancy of a saw
10:45 Already lined the tiles up
11:00 You don't want to be too far away or you'll end up squeezing the grout up
11:20 They make a little rubber hammer
11:55 The other third of tile
12:55 Don't have to be that close because going to put trim on it
13:05 Complex cut
13:30 How to measure for the tile
13:50 Measuring like drywall, just faster
14:40 Tough cut, have to help Clay with that
15:15 You can use a speed square to mark it
15:50 The way he cut the tile
16:05 Will use nibblers to complete the cut
16:30 Now can set the tile
16:40 Need to cut depth from the tile
17:33 Back after all the tile has been set
17:45 Made sure the customer was happy with the color
17:55 He's used to using drywall tools
18:15 Forcing the grout in the cracks
18:25 He suggested the kids get to pull the spacers out
18:45 How we mix our grout
18:55 Don't want to mix a lot because got to get it down it 45 mins
19:15 Wiping down the tile with a sponge
19:40 Using thrift store towels to clean
20:00 After the towel leaves a fine dust
20:30 Come back in an hour and knock the dust off all of this
20:40 Cover the tile paint the walls and ceiling
21:00 Using 5 min mud to fill in holes in the walls
21:50 If you're not a good finisher you don't have to use 5 min mud

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